8 Things To Know Before Your First Time Using A Vibrator

So you’ve taken the plunge and purchased your first vibrator. Once you’ve snuck the parcel past your mum/housemate/boyfriend/grandma (delete as appropriate), made it to the privacy of your bedroom, unboxed it and wrestled some batteries into the thing, it’s time to get down to business. And while we’re not here to spell out to you how to use a vibrator (you’ve probably got that part covered), there are some things to consider when getting started.

When it comes to your first time using a vibrator, you might be wondering how to choose a vibrator. Simple is best to start with and you can scroll to the bottom of this article to see our top picks. 

So, now you’re heading into the realm of exploring your sexual wellness, read our handy tips for getting the most out of your first vibrator.

1. Set The Mood

Even if you’re using a vibrator for the first time, you deserve to have the best time possible. So treat your time with your ‘new friend’ as you would any sexual experience. Set the mood! Light some candles, put on a sexy playlist (any excuse to listen to 90s R&B), wear some beautiful lacy underwear… whatever gets you in the mood. Dim the lights, turn your laptop off, put that phone face down. Treat yo’self!

2. Warm Up… Manually

If it’s your first time using a vibrator, things can feel a little intense. Or: a lot intense. So go slow and try some of the lower speed settings out first. But – before you even get to this point – start off with your hands. Work out what feels good for you and go from there!

3. You Might Need A Little Help Along The Way

Sometimes masturbation can feel a little clinical – there’s a big chance you might be doing it for a reason that’s not very sexy. For example, you may decide to practice some self love to help you sleep, or to calm anxieties. And sometimes, being solo means that even if your mind is in the mood, your body needs a little help along the way. So it’s always a good idea to have a little bit of lube on hand, just to help warm everything up. We recommend using one pump of a lubricant to get everything prepped and ready.

4. Taking Breaks Is Fine!

Vibrators can be a little intense on your first go, and if it’s your first time using one – it’s literally zero to 100! While technically this should feel incredible, sometimes all the new, extreme sensations can actually have the opposite effect. Bombarding your most sensitive areas with all new feelings can actually numb everything – not ideal. If this happens, don’t keep going, things might get sore! Simply take a break and try again in a little while.

5. Not Everything’s A Vibe

Pun intended. If you try a toy and it doesn’t do it for you, try it out a few times. But don’t force it. A toy someone might swear is the best thing since sliced bread for one person, might do nada for you. It’s okay – there’s nothing wrong with you! Similarly to how we all have different sexual preferences, some toys suit some peoples’ needs better than others. If it doesn’t feel incredible, move on.

6. Experimenting Is Key

The first vibrator you use won’t necessarily be your favourite (and if it is, go you!), so exploring different shapes and sizes is essential to finding the one that works for you. If you’re wondering how to choose a vibrator, there are internal and external versions, as well as clitoral stimulators. When having a browse, pay attention to the pulsation patterns, speeds, and decibels to get an idea of what you do and don’t like.

7. Take It At Your Own Pace

Exploring your sexual wellness needs to be on your terms and shouldn’t ever feel pressured. Just because your friends are/aren’t using a vibrator, doesn’t mean you should/shouldn’t. Everyone discovers their sexual wellness at their own pace and it should be in a way that works for you.

8. Internal and External Pleasure

Not all vibrators are created equally. Like we said, there are internal and external vibrators and it’s key to know the difference. Internal vibrators can usually be used for both internal and external stimulation and are longer in shape. They have more variety but may be a little daunting for your first time. External vibrators come in all different shapes and sizes, such as pebbles, wands, and unicorns (yes, you read that right), and are usually only intended for external stimulation of the vulva and clitoris.

Our First Time Faves

FYI: The article was originally published at an earlier date and has since been updated.