6 Vibrator Myths, Busted

The V word. No, not that one; the other one. Vibrators. You either love them, hate them, or just won’t admit you’ve used one – whatever the case, here’s our guide to the top vibrator myths.

Buying One Is Embarrassing

78% of women worldwide own a vibrator – and three million of this number is made up of women from the UK. There’s truly nothing to be ashamed of. Most women own one, and the majority of these women will have bought their own – probably secretively – a little scared that the cashier is judging them. Vibrators are the worst kept secret out there, and it’s up to us to break the stigma. Start the conversation around sexual pleasure by chatting to your mates about your vibrator collection – you’ll probably be surprised to discover what secrets they’re willing to share!

They Can Ruin Sex

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. A vibrator can’t ruin good sex. In fact, a vibrator added into the mix can only make it better – and the 66% of millennials that use a vibrator with their significant other would agree. As well as being a sexy addition to foreplay, a vibrator can help level the playing field when it comes to sex. Because heterosexual women typically take a longer time to orgasm – and do so less frequently – than their male partner, using a vibrator can help even things out. Plus, it’s sexy as hell. Did we mention that?

Vibrators Can Stop You Having An Orgasm Naturally

This is simply not true – having a ‘man made’ orgasm (so to speak) has no bearing on your ability to have one during sex. But, you have to remember, a vibrator is basically an extremely high powered version of a sex act. So if you over-use a vibrator, you may become desensitised to the real deal. Therefore if you’re using a vibrator while in a sexual relationship, it’s important to keep a balance between the two, to continue to enjoy sex for all that it should be!

You Can Only Use One Alone

Vibrators are often seen as a single woman’s best friend, and that once you’re coupled up, they should be banished to the bin – or at very least – the back of the bedside drawer. There’s a stigma around vibrators that single women who can’t find a partner rely on them – what a gross, outdated stereotype! Many different types of women frequently use a vibrator – business women, married women, and – sorry to say – I bet even your mum dabbles! Vibrators can be used for so many different reasons, and are a great way to aid sleep, reduce anxiety, and contribute to overall wellness. So there’s definitely not just ‘one type’ of woman that uses one. In fact, using a vibrator with your lover can be incredibly hot, and a great warm up for the ‘real McCoy’. So whether you’re solo or with a partner – unashamedly enjoy some you time!

They’re An Orgasm Guarantee

Potentially the reason why so many heterosexual men are scared of vibrators: they’re viewed as a guaranteed orgasm giver. But this isn’t the case. There are so many factors that can help (or hinder) orgasms. Essentially, you can’t just fire a vibrator up and automatically have an orgasm – just like when it comes to the real deal; there’s so much more to it. The atmosphere needs to be right, you have to be in the mood… the list goes on. Vibrators shouldn’t be seen (or feared!) as a ‘quick fix’, moreso like a tool that can help it along the way. Essentially, vibrators are your friends – there to give you a helping hand!

They’re Intimidating

Well, yes – if you’re choosing the scariest looking one on the shelf! For years the pleasure industry has been owned by men, and the toys can – in a lot of cases – represent more what they find ‘sexy’, rather than considering the wants of the women they’re selling to. But recently, there’s been a surge of feminist sex toys available, that put women at the heart of their products; from their functionality, to their packaging and designs. Smilemakers is one of these brands, creating cute vibrators that do exactly what women are looking for. And with adorable names such as ‘The Ballerina’ and ‘The Tennis Coach’, they don’t take themselves too seriously, either. Check out our reviews of the whole range of Smilemakers vibrators, here.